Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has extended its roots to multi-physics world and heat transfer is one of them. CFD becomes an essential element of thermal design when we want to determine detailed and accurate temperature and heat flux distribution over heat transfer units.

Mathematical Modeling of Industrial Heat Transfer Problems

There are plenty of industries trying to stay creative and competitive by coming up with innovative ideas. Patents and ideas may turn into a new golden product for them by letting our Thermal R&D and Engineering talents model, solve, and design the problems for them.


FEA is an integral part of stress analysis of mechanical parts under loads. Thermal stresses become highlighted where temperature distribution and confinement of components meet each other. Most of the time ignoring thermal stresses is disasterous.

Design and Rating of Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers (HPHX) FOR WASTE HEAT RECOVERY

The United States Congress on December 21, 2020, approved the new “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021”, the first national incentive for installing waste heat to power technology. The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) provides financial incentives for the installation of new qualifying technologies that are installed to meet all or a portion of the electric energy needs of a facility.

Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers hold unique characteristics that differentiate their performance from traditional Heat Exchangers. Heat pipes act as super conductor elements of transferring heat from hot fluid to cold fluid. Heat pipe heat exchangers can remove the cross contamination between hot and cold fluids by physically separating hot and cold sides using adiabatic section. Thermal response of heat pipes are very quick and vapor core velocity can be near the speed of sound. Also, heat pipes act individually in HPHX and if one heat pipe is failed, it can be easily replaced. Life span of heat pipes are far longer than traditional heat exchangers due to their closed loop system.

We design and rate HPHX for your application. Design includes design of individual heat pipes, thermal, mechanical and Structure, as well as selection of material of construction to meet the required duty.